Recap 2021

On Saturday June 26, 2021, The Griffin Football Club staged the 17th edition of the Jamaica Alumni Football Tournament.

This reunion event was held at the Haffen Valley Park Bronx, NY. The day turned out to be a cool and pleasant day for football. A total of twelve teams participated; Wolmer's Boys High School, Excelsior High School, Clarendon College, Camperdown High School, Calabar High School, and Herbert Morrison Technical were in Group A. Group B consisted of Jamaica College, Dinthill Technical High School, William Knibb Memorial High School, Kingston College, St. George's College, and St. Andrew Technical High School. Football fans from all walks of life came out and supported the " family fun-filled" event.

The park was bubbling! Tents were erected and all schools donned their jerseys with pride and confidence. Fans represented their alumni associations by parading in their school colors: purple & white, light blue, dark blue, and green & black, maroon & gold, green & gold, maroon & blue, blue & gold, maroon & beige and red & blue. This informal outdoor family style setting was just what the doctor ordered. Nostalgia was in the air, as fans came out to see their favorite players from yester-year. The attendance was very encouraging. Vendors had a variety of food items that were available - steamed fish, curried chicken, bun & cheese, beef patties, and potato pudding, to name a few.

FIFA referee Hon. Steven A. Bucknor OJ whistle signaled the first game between Defending Champions Excelsior High School led by Captain Paul "Goosey" Bennett and Wolmer's Boys High School led by Captain Paul Young.

Kingston College and Dinthill Technical High School were the qualifiers from Group B, whilst Calabar High School and Wolmer's Boys High School emerged from Group A. In the first semi-final game, Kingston College defeated Wolmer's Boys. In the second semi-final, Calabar High School dispatched Dinthill Technical High to meet Kingston College in the finals. The final game was mouthwatering contest with both teams playing some attractive football. The game ended 0-0 but Calabar prevailed in the penalty shootout. Damion "Benji" Benjamin was the Tournament's MVP, leading goal scorer went to Jefferson "Bumpy" Hinds of Kingston College. The best dressed team was Wolmer's Boys High School. The most disciplined team for the tournament was Herbert Morrison Technical High School.

The two-day tournament was a resounding success, and this was echoed by all who were in attendance. A very special thank you to the players and supporters of the various schools involved. Of course, the successes of these events are usually hinged on the level of sponsorship, and for this reason, we want to give a big shout and thank you to CODE RED Restaurant for providing meals for all the teams.

The overall responses and feedbacks have fueled the organizers as we look forward to a bigger and better event in July of 2022.

latest games

Saturday Schedule, June 26 (Day 1)


Sunday Schedule, June 27 (Day 2)

SGame # Teams Time

Penalty Shoot-out for Ladies/First Round. 2:00 pm (10 mins)
Semifinals I : Winner of G.A vs Second Place G.B, 2:15 pm (15/5/15)
Semifinals II : Winner of G.B vs Second Place G.A, 2:50 pm
Kids Game: Griffin/Brazilian vs Central Brooklyn, 3:25 pm (15/5/15)
Penalty Shoot-out for Ladies/Final Round, 4:00 pm (10 Mins)
All Manning vs All DaCosta (0ver 50), 4:15 pm (25/10/25)
JAFT (All Schools) Master's Tournament/Finals (Winner I v II) @ 5:15 PM – 6:05 PM. (20/10/20