About Us

The Jamaica Alumni Football Tournament (JAFT) is an annual family fun day festival held in Bronx New York since 1996. This event attracts alumni from these various institutions living in the North America and the UK. It’s a once per year get together with past players, classmates, and supporters of all schools to enjoy a family fun filled festival. Our Tournament mission is to provide a safe fun enjoyable space for family, food, fun and football. This Tournament is directed by Bobby Austin, President and CEO of Griffin Football Club and staff members.

The core mission of the club is, to provide an avenue for student athletes to continue athletics after graduating from various high schools in Jamaica. This soccer festival is a major fundraising event benefiting the organization here in the Metro New York area, Schools and Student athletes in Jamaica and the diaspora.

The Griffin Football Club & J.A.F.T were established in the Summer of 1995. We are exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c) (3). Donors and sponsors can deduct contributions under IRC Section 170. Our EIN number is 85-0782932.