Edwin Allen High School

Founded in 1964, Edwin Allen High School was named after the first Minister of Education of independent Jamaica.

Edwin Allen's motto, Transeamus in Exemplum, means "We shall be an example". Indeed, the school has been an example of excellence.

The institution has a rich track and field history and has also excelled in academics, producing many accomplished Jamaicans.

Edwin Allen High School lifted their first-ever title in schoolboy football when they defeated St Elizabeth Technical (STETHS) 3-2 in a thrilling Ben Francis Cup KO final at the STETHS Sports Complex in Santa Cruz in 2021.

Tafari Burton, coach of Edwin Allen, said both himself and the team were overjoyed.

Here are some things you'd know only if you attended Edwin Allen High School:

1. Love Lane - The most famous ‘lane’ in Jamaican high schools. It was the darkest part of the staircase that leads from grade nine to grade eleven
2. You will always get that extra piece of chicken from Missa Cole after a soft pleading
3. Smith and Lennon houses have a historical link with the ‘bucket’ and Grant’s hyping and delivering
4. You got hit by a bag of water during end of year Water War.
5. Know that Ceasar just did not joke
6. Grade eight was more of a pen for 11 classrooms
7. You wrote 500 lines saying "I must do my homework"
8. Satellite knows more about you and what you are doing at any time than you know. She never got that English was easier to understand
9. Did anybody really ‘Drop Everything and Read’ or RAPP after every devotion?
10. Mr. Henry used graduation rehearsals as the last final assault on students
11. You know that the bookroom was so much more than mere books.
12. You simply prayed for survival as Mr. McKaine announced grade 10 classes
13. You didn't attend Edwin Allen if you don't know who is Senorita Hylton
14. You know that Pawsey was the ....bucket house.

Meet The Captain

Fitzroy Thomas

Edwin Allen High School

My name is Fitzroy Thomas and I played for Edwin Allen high school from 1989 -1991. I then went on to play for team such as humble lion fc, avengers, kirkvine united ,delaveaga city, and then represent the British Virgin Islands.

I was apart of the wining Caribbean cup team for the BVI in 2002 and I went on to play 6 years with them.